Uninstall |
To uninstall Disk Cleaner, follow the steps below for your operating system: |
Windows 10- Click the Start button (the Windows logo located in the lower-left-hand corner of Windows) then select "Settings"
Click "System" Select "Apps & features" Scroll down to "Disk Cleaner" and single-click it to highlight it Click the "Uninstall" button When you see the warning that reads "This app and its related info will be uninstalled", click the "Uninstall" button again.
Windows 8Drag your mouse either to the extreme right upper or lower corner of your screen to bring up the Windows 8 sidebar functions Drag your mouse up or down in a straight line and select "Settings" and single click Choose "Control Panel" Select "Programs" then "Uninstall A Program" Scroll down to "Disk Cleaner" and double-click it When prompted, "Are you sure you want to completely remove Disk Cleaner and all of its components?" click the "Yes" button
Windows 7Click the Start button (a blue circle containing the Windows logo located in the lower-left-hand corner of Windows) then select "Control Panel" Under "Programs", click the "Uninstall a program" link Scroll down to "Disk Cleaner" and double-click it When prompted, "Windows needs your permission to continue" click "Continue" button When prompted, "Are you sure you want to completely remove Disk Cleaner and all of its components?" click the "Yes" button
Windows VistaClick the Start button (a blue circle containing the Windows logo located in the lower-left-hand corner of Windows) then select "Control Panel" Double-click "Programs and Features" Scroll down to "Disk Cleaner" and double-click it When prompted, "Windows needs your permission to continue" click the "Continue" button When prompted, "Are you sure you want to completely remove Disk Cleaner and all of its components?" click the "Yes" button
Windows XP, 2003, 2000, NT, Me, 98Click the Start button (located in the lower-left-hand corner of Windows) then select "Control Panel" Double-click "Add or Remove Programs" Scroll down to "Disk Cleaner" and click it once to highlight it Click the "Change/Remove" button When prompted, "Are you sure you want to completely remove Disk Cleaner and all of its components?" click the "Yes" button